Being involved in a car accident or any other type of accident can be traumatic. Sometimes it’s a life-changing event. You may have physical injuries, damage to your vehicle, lost work time and emotional distress. You may file a personal injury claim after the accident.

Medical bills and repair bills, perhaps even having to replace your car; all of this can be very costly.

One of the most important things you can do throughout the experience is documentation. Documentation will help you if there is a future personal injury claim and it will help you deal with your insurance company throughout the process.

What kind of things should I keep track of?

Here is a list of the type of documentation that you can collect after an auto accident:
-Keep a record of all medical appointments, treatment, medication
-Save all medical receipts for anything related to your treatment
-Keep all medical correspondence from all your providers
-Any travel expenses about your treatment

Get a medical evaluation

Immediately after the accident, seek medical care. Even if you don’t show an initial symptoms, some issues can present several days after the incident.

If you can do so safely, document the following things about the accident:
-take photos of the scene, include different points of view and all relevant traffic signage
-get pictures of the damage to your vehicle, thoroughly check your entire car for damage
-if you can, document your injuries with photos

Documentation is one of the best things you can do to help yourself after an accident. You many think that you won’t forget any details, but documentation will provide you a cohesive paper trail.

An experienced personal injury attorney can be a huge help to you after a serious accident. They are familiar in dealing with insurance companies, and their guidance can be invaluable to you in your time of need.

If you or a loved one were injured in an accident, contact the Leader Law Firm for a free case evaluation.