A motor vehicle crash can be a minor incident or a life-changing, injury-causing event. For example, you may have medical bills to pay, a damaged or wrecked car, you may miss work, and you may be in pain.
Life is complicated enough without the stress and trouble of an accident.
Now you are faced with finding someone to help you, an injury lawyer to take your case. How do you find the right lawyer?
Advertisements for lawyers are everywhere…billboards, TV ads, intrusive internet pop-up ads, and even city buses. Lots of personal injury lawyers advertise, and there is nothing wrong or unethical about it.
All those ads cost money a lot of money. The firms that advertise need to consistently bring in new cases to support their large ad budgets. Some of them promise they will get cash in your hands right away, after a “wreck.
Well, it’s not always that easy, and it’s not always that fast.
Look for an attorney who will take the time to research your case. Acting “fast” doesn’t mean you get the best result. Wouldn’t you rather have a lawyer who takes the time to work on your case?
A quick settlement could mean you don’t get the total compensation to which you are entitled. So don’t settle for less than you deserve.
If you are looking for a personal injury firm, look beyond the flashy ads that permeate the internet and the airwaves. Instead, do your research and ask friends and family for referrals. Avvo.com and Justia.com are legal websites with attorney listings and reviews.
Many of our cases are referred to the Leader Law Firm by other personal injury law firms who don’t have the expertise found at the Leader Law Firm. In addition, we are fortunate that many of our clients refer their family and friends to us.
If you’ve been involved in an accident and you’ve been injured, give us a call. We understand what you are going through, and hopefully, we can help you. Come in for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.
We can talk, answer your questions and help you determine the best course of action.