Caring for an Aging Population
As America’s population ages, we have seen a general rise in nursing home abuse and neglect. Placing a loved one in the care of another is a difficult task for a family. Your expectation is that your loved one will be treated in the best way possible. You may bring in home care for a loved one or you may place a family member in an assisted living facility. Services can include independent living, memory care, and skilled nursing homes for more intensive personal care. In-home care is another form of care; nurses or care workers can attend to a family member while in their home.
As America’s population ages, we have seen a general rise in nursing home abuse and neglect. Placing a loved one in the care of another is a difficult task for a family. You expect your loved one to be treated in the best way possible. You may bring home care for a loved one or place a family member in an assisted living facility. Services can include independent living, memory care, and skilled nursing homes for more intensive personal care. In-home care is another form of care; nurses or care workers can attend to a family member while in their home.
The Elderly are Vulnerable
The elderly are vulnerable to abuse and neglect in any care situation. If you suspect that your loved one is not being treated properly or, worse, is being abused or neglected in some way, here are some things to watch for:
-Physical Abuse: unexplained bruising, broken bones, pressure marks, burns, or blisters
-Emotional Abuse: behavioral changes, emotional withdrawal, changes in overall emotional health, change in alertness
-Financial Abuse or Exploitation: unusual bank activity, unexplained account withdrawals, missing cash
-Overall Neglect: Pressure sores, chronic, untreated skin conditions, uncleanliness, malnutrition, lack of proper medical care
If you suspect that your loved one is being neglected or abused, it’s critical that you act quickly. Contact local law enforcement and seek medical attention for your loved one if needed. The State of Arizona has a page devoted to recognizing and reporting Elder Abuse.
How We Can Help
Reach out to an experienced professional who can assist you with the situation. The Leader Law Firm has significant experience handling nursing home neglect and abuse cases.
The Elderly are Vulnerable
The elderly are vulnerable to abuse and neglect in a care situation. If you suspect that your loved one is not being treated properly or worse, is being abused or neglected in some way, here are some things to watch for:
-Physical Abuse: unexplained bruising, broken bones, pressure marks, burns or blisters
-Emotional Abuse: behavioral changes, emotional withdrawal, changes in overall emotional health, change in alertness
-Financial Abuse or Exploitation: unusual bank activity, unexplained account withdrawals, missing cash
-Overall Neglect: Pressure sores, chronic, untreated skin conditions, uncleanliness, malnutrition, lack of proper medical care
If you suspect that your loved one is being neglected or abused, it’s critical that you act quickly. Contact local law enforcement and seek medical attention for your loved one if needed. The State of Arizona has a page devoted to recognizing and reporting Elder Abuse.
How We Can Help
Reach out to an experienced professional who can assist you with the situation. The Leader Law Firm has significant experience handling nursing home neglect and abuse cases. Contact us today to schedule a free case consultation. We will listen, answer your questions and help you determine if you should pursue legal action.