According to AAA, nearly 43 million Americans traveled over the recent Independence Day weekend. 84% of travelers expected to drive to their destination. Arizona is one of seven states to earn a repeated "danger" rating from the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (AHAS). AHAS is a nationally recognized organization…
Being involved in a car accident or any other type of accident can be traumatic. Sometimes it's a life-changing event. You may have physical injuries, damage to your vehicle, lost work time and emotional distress. You may file a personal injury claim after the accident. Medical bills and repair bills,…
Someone in Marana just became the fourth Tucson area pedestrian fatality this week. This continues a recent trend of increasing pedestrian-vehicle accidents. What do we make of this? Drivers, pay attention and don't be distracted. Taking your eyes off the road – even for a moment - can lead to…
Last week was a deadly one on Tucson's streets - three pedestrians were killed. One of the drivers was arrested for DUI. All of the accidents occurred after dark when visibility is limited. Tucson has seen a number of road related fatalities this year, including bicyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. According to…
The Leader Law Firm has long documented the deadly history of Interstate 10 in Arizona, specifically between Tucson and Phoenix. The Leader Law Firm has handled several lawsuits involving median crossover crash fatalities on I-10. Two Maricopa County juries have returned large, million dollar verdicts against the state of Arizona…
Recently, a study done by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine said medical errors should rank as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. The study says “should” because the documentation of deaths resulting from medical errors is not as complete as it could be. It's possible that the…